Sunday, January 2, 2011

All about the company...

Initially, I thought that this holiday season would pale in comparison to previous. To my amazement, it didn't. Ever since I was a child, Christmas has been a magical time for me and for my sister. We reveled in it. The Christmas music, the lights, the smells, all of it.
Despite our circumstances, this year I did not hold back. The kids and I decorated, played non stop Christmas music from Nov. 26th to Dec. 26th., and thoroughly enjoyed the season. The kids and I did Christmas Eve together....and we did it BIG!!! Many memories were made this year. The kiddos were with their Dad for Christmas day and the day after and I feared that being alone would just eat me alive. It didn't..... Did I miss my children? Of course I did. But I knew they were ok and having a great time. My friends and family stepped in when needed the most.
Sometimes it is not about the decorations, or the food, or the presents. In fact, most of the time it is about the people. Because of the amazing people in my life, this Christmas and New Years will go down as one of the best! Laughter was abundant, love and happiness in the air, and memories made that will last a lifetime!