Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Manitou Incline

First, let me start by saying that I have quite a healthy fear of heights and have been working for years to overcome my asthma. Back in high school I could only sprint, not run long distance. In the past several years, I have started running and building up my lung capacity to the point that now I can run roughly 4 miles non-stop. For a lot of people, that is a walk in the park, however for me, that is quite a big deal. I knew that taking on the Incline would challenge me not only physically but mentally. I knew I would have to concentrate on my breathing in order to keep the wheezing at bay. I didn't really train for the Incline to be quite honest. I have been running on a regular basis a couple of times a week and figured that would be enough. Anyway...
The Incline proved to be strenuous and at times impossible. The hardest part honestly was the beginning. You really don't know what you are getting yourself into until you are literally there. My heart was pounding fiercely and I had to concentrate completely on my breathing. Thinking, "lungs, open, lungs, open", but managed to keep the panic down. Now, I will interject that I have not carried an inhaler with me for years, probably not the best plan in the world right?? I know, I know.
Once I got past the first 1/4 mile up, I fell into my groove. Mind set, legs moving, breathing rhythmic. Half way up I set goals.....pass the 2 young dudes ahead of me....DONE....pass orange shirt guy way ahead of me.....DONE....don't turn around and look down.....BUT I HAVE TO TAKE PICTURES.....ugh, the height thing. Turning around and taking pictures was BRUTAL, threw my balance what would my resolution for that be?? I would stop, take out my camera, hold it behind me, and hope to God that the pictures would come out because there was no way I was turning around again!!! Thankfully, my back handed picture taking skills are quite good...
Needless to say, I made it to the top. And, yes, at the top I did turn around and take a picture...and the view was breathtaking! The walk/run down Barr trail was beautiful. And by the time I was at the bottom, I couldn't feel my fingers because of the cold, my nose was frozen and I wasn't sure it was still on my face, and....I was planning my next time I would be back, and it would be soon...
Next goal: Beat my current time of 1hr.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Festival of Lights

Saturday night marked the first of many things on my list to do here in Colorado. The Festival of Lights is our towns version of a Christmas parade, and literally ALL of Colorado Springs was there...the good, bad, and quite strange... Mary and I parked at the opposite end of town from where we wanted to go...oh well, nothing wrong with a little walking. Our plan was two-fold. Walk and see and take pictures of the parade and eventually make it to the other side of the street to Jose Muldoons..for some good mexican food and margaritas.
We walked up one side of Tejon, losing feeling in our faces at some point, and crossed the street cutting through the middle of the parade. Reminded me of when I was little and at Disneyland and we got caught on one side of the Light Parade and having to duck under the ropes and mom and dad yelling, "ruuunnnnn", good times. This time however, we are adults, running in heels.
We did make it to the restaurant, camera clicking along the way at the parade. We then spent a couple of hours eating chips and salsa, having a couple margaritas ( was only a couple), and sharing much needed laughter. Laughing until our faces hurt, which in and of itself, brought on more laughter later. I am sure we were quite a site.
The night ended with hot chocolate, and go figure........more laughter. It was a good night.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

First up....

This weekend will mark the start of the Colorado Adventure list. Up first will be Saturday evening downtown at the festival of lights parade. I have never been and absolutely love parades. I grew up being in parades back in my little hometown of Clayton, CA. The weather is suppose to be nice...well, nice for Colorado. Not snowing, above freezing, and clear. I will definitely put pictures up. My mission now will be to remember the camera.

The second part of this will be on Sunday. I have decided to take on the Manitou Incline, or as some call it the hike from hell. It is a 1 mile straight up hike on railroad ties up the side of Pikes Peak. Most of it is at a 41% grade and hitting up to a 68% grade, with a vertical gain of 2100ft. Hard core climbing. Can't wait!!!! (Don't worry, Mom, I will be ok)...

More posts to come after this weekend. Here's to adventure!